Pink and The Amish Girl, Update

So I am trying to get as far as I can on my paintings, but I have had to do some of the painting at night in small increments(?) just to complete a step here and a step there. Slowly advancing….

My son, Patrick, is coming home in a week from Tennessee, and you see, my art room is his old bedroom.  So I have been busy trying to tidy and clean up what I can before he gets home so he won’t be sleeping in my pastels!!! I just want to sit and paint and all I can think of is “Clean!” Anyway, I just had to show you something, so this is how far I have gotten on Pink and the little amish girl in the buggy.

The little amish girl is taking a little longer only because I feel like I need to add something else in the picture for interest, like a flower in her hand or something…I really don’t know what it should be, if I even need anything.  So I put the painting in front of me, and hesitate…that’s why her hands are not completed yet. I want to complete her hair and cap and shading while I wait for something, if anything should come to me. But that’s where I am with this one.

As for Pink, she is coming along nicely, but I was hesitating on what the background color should be that would show of her eyes and that awesome white hair! So I finally came up with blue and darkened it around her face so I can make everything “pop” and look brighter. I can’t wait to do her hair. Anyway, I am hoping I can finish these by Friday as that’s when Patrick comes home.  We are all getting together because my youngest daughter is graduating from college, University of RI for Nutrition and Dietetics, although she has still 2 years for her masters. Yay! So, I will touch base as soon as I can. Until then…blessings!


Amish girl daydreaming. Her cap strings are painted and blowing to the side. The bottom of the buggy is painted as well.


Pink…she is getting there. The jacket is blacked in ready for highlights and shading. Can’t wait to do the hair!

New Amish Painting Continued…

Well, I figured I’d show you how far I’ve gotten on this new Amish pastel painting, and even though it’s come along way…there’s still a lot to go.  I figured it would be kind of cool for you all to see the painting come alive through the different stages. I am very happy with it so far and it’s just how I imagined it in my head.  I still need to add board separations to the barn behind her, some pine needle boughs hanging above her head to the left with snow added to the sill of the barn window and snow flakes on her hair, coat, etc.  I want this to look like a perfect winter painting, as I will use this for my December painting in the calendar I want to create next. Hope you like how it looks so far…back to the drawing board!


The face painted in, and it seems to have a life now. The barn window is positioned and the white, barn wall is started.


The face and hair further detailed. When I get the eyes the way I want them, it’s on it’s way!


She’s holding her firewood and a part of her green dress shows just above her winter coat. That green will also be used in the pine branches I will draw to the upper left, snow covered of course. I still have a lot of detail work to finish…so there’s more to go!

Amish Children…Inside Looking Out Continued

Here are two photos of the painting  I am working on of two Amish Children looking out the back of a buggy. This is taking some time as I can’t seem to find the time I need to work on it, first of all.  Second, I want this to be one of my best, so I want to get everything right.  Only thing is, that takes a lot of research.  Looking up lighting and shadow…trying to figure out what the clothes will be and what color…what will the scene be outside the back window…everything seems to be a small step…but at least it’s a step ahead.

I think I may want to try some landscapes after this and just throw color down and see what happens. Sunset skies and trees, blobs of color here and there…not really being perfect, but suggestions of trees and flowers and wistful clouds. Ahhhhh….

Yes, after this, I will certainly try a landscape.  But for now, I am still working at this and I can’t wait to even see what happens with it…so we will all be surprised!  I will try to have something up again in a few days!  Enjoy!


The faces are somewhat all set…maybe some more color will be added for punch near the end


More color added to the inside of the buggy and hat and girl’s cap drawn out roughly