New Amish Portraits Completed

Hello and here we are again…finally!

I just wanted to share 2 paintings I just completed. One is very new, and it is just titled “Katie”. I wanted to come up with something more creative than that for this portrait, but every time I did, I was just too much…so I stuck with “Katie”.

Katie is a very curious little Amish girl, simply appreciating the scene outside her kitchen window. Her tranquil expression, along with her beautiful clear blue eyes and scarlet geraniums nearby, make for a charming and inspirational portrait. This is “Katie”.

The other portrait I have to share is one that I had already been selling on my Etsy Store for awhile as “Sarah In The Flower Field”.

In this one, an Amish girl is standing in the middle of a field full of daisies. All the time this print had been on Etsy, it had never sold, which made me wonder if it was because she didn’t have an Amish cap on. Many of my Amish girls have caps, and I think that does help sell the prints, so I decided I would take the risk and alter this portrait and add a cap to her. I would also change the name of the print…which is now “Sarah’s Serenity”.

I really like the finished look and the new title. I was fearful I wouldn’t be able to pull it off, because I did have to actually erase Sarah’s hair on the original painting and add the cap…and pastel is “NOT” easy to erase entirely…believe me! But it did work out and I hope she gathers some interest now.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post, and be sure to check these out on my Etsy Shop. Thank you again for stopping by. Be back soon!

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